Saturday, September 14, 2013

202A. (4.12) The Stolen Earth

She is returning.... and the Doctor knows it's the Bad Wolf!

Wrapping up the fourth season and David Tennant's last full season, this kicks off the biggest story to date. This brings together the entire Doctor Who family that has grown up over the past four year with Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures and all of the 10th Doctor's companions. With the Earth kidnapped out of time and space by a Dalek armada and the Doctor seemingly absent, it's left to Jack, Sarah Jane and Martha to save the world while Rose is still searching for the Doctor. 

The return of Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister, connects every one of the Doctor's friends to connect with him, at her own sacrifice. It's a magical moment when everyone is working together to call the Doctor and the fruits of Russell T Davies labors from the past 4 years, bringing the expanding Doctor Who universe home in one glorious story. 

It is revealed that Davros, the Dalek creator, has returned and was a squeal-out-load moment. As a major classic villain, the return of Davros is huge and done so well. Amazing! The nail-biting cliffhanger of the Doctor being shot by a Dalek and starting to regenerate was jaw dropping.


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