Saturday, September 21, 2013

216A. (5.12) The Pandorica Opens

Steven Moffat's first season finale begins with a cavalcade of cameo's from throughout this season. We get the return of River Song (hello sweety). We get the return of Rory, unexpectedly). The foretold Pandorica makes its appearance. Rory is revealed to be an Auton and shots Amy, who just remembered who he was (that's love). And the final trap for the Doctor is sprung with the coalition of villains including the Cybermen, the Daleks of many colors, the Sontarans, and more. It's a fan wank moment that had so much more potential. The cliffhanger of the Doctor being locked up in the Pandorica was good and left us hanging as the universe exploded around us.

To Be Continued......

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