Saturday, September 14, 2013

206. (4.17 & 4.18) The End of Time

It is returning and he will knock four times!

This is it! The big finale! The end of the 10th Doctor. The end of the RTD era. The end of the Master (again). The End of Time is the biggest, most lavish, heart wrenching, tear jerking, love letter, farewell, finale ever. RTD gives us his magnum opus and manages to wrap up fours years worth of storylines and characters. David Tennant gives us his best performance ever right up to the last moment. Bernard Cribin's Wilfred Mott is the best companion and rips our hears out a few time during the story. The return of John Simms as the Master is fitting to face down this Doctor in his final hours and give him the best run for his money. The surprise return of the Time Lords and Gallifrey from the last moments of the Time War creates a perfect bookend for RTD's arc throughout his tenure. The casting of Timothy Dalton as a resurrected Rasillon is genius and up the game of this story to the highest level. 

After all the fighting, all the hoopla, all the edge of our seat gritting, and we think we've won, do we finally get the four knocks. Wilf, trapped in a radiation chamber, knock four times for the Doctor to let him out. And we now know that this is the 10th Doctor end. He must sacrifice this body to save Wilf, and out hearts are ripped out as David Tennant rages against the dying of the light. It is the most brilliant moment of Doctor Who ever. With Wilf saved and the Doctor dying of radiation poisoning, the Doctor goes to collect his reward. We are treated to seeing all of the 10th Doctor's companions, from now-married Martha and Mickey, to Captain Jack, to Sarah Jane, to the granddaughter of Joan Redfern, to Wilf and Sylvia at Donna's wedding, to finally the Powell Estates on the morning on January 1, 2005. Rose and Jackie are walking home in the snow from New Year's Eve celebrations. The Doctor and Rose exchange a few words and he says she's going to have a great year. And with this, we come full circle. Where is began, it now ends. The Ood sings the Doctor to his sleep, and in the biggest my explosive regeneration ever, we see the 10th Doctor dying in a blaze of fire and the 11th Doctor is born. And the most incredible era comes to a close with so many memories, so many tears, so many laughs, and so many adventures. Thank you Russell T Davies and David Tennant for the best times ever!

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