Saturday, September 21, 2013

209. (5.3) Victory of the Daleks

Daleks. Churchill. WWII. Mark Gatiss. Could be magic? Every good Doctor gets his trial by fire eventually and we get the Daleks 3rd out the gate. We return to a familiar Moffat setting of World War II London during the blitz (see Empty Child). The Daleks in WWII is a cool concept but they're working for the Allies as servants of Churchill. Yawn. This would have been far more interesting if they were working for Hitler and the Axis and terrorizing Europe. Anyways, the borderline travesty of the story is the recoloring of the Daleks into the rainbow Daleks in bigger shells. They threaten to blow up the Earth, again, Amy deactivates the bomb and the Daleks get away scott free. Yawn. There are excellent small Dalek stories (see Dalek), and excellent big Dalek stories (see Stolen Earth). This unfortunately falls somewhere in the middle and is far from excellent. So much potential...

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