Saturday, September 21, 2013

210B. (5.5) Flesh and Stone

The Doctor and company jump to safety, temporarily out of the reach of the Weeping Angels. But they're still after the Doctor and they're getting stronger. The arc of the story is the crack in Amy's wall first seen in the Eleventh Hour and it gets full frontal here. Thankfully the Doctor uses it to suck up all the Angles and save everyone. Which almost seems secondary to the other tidbits of the episode.

We find out River is in prison for killing a good man. Amy has to keep her eyes closed to she doesn't become an Angel. She's also getting married in the morning to Rory. And the next time we'll see River is when the Pandorica opens. Spoilers sweety. And Amy gives the Doctor the obligatory companion kiss of the season. All in all, the best story yet of the season and a treasure trove of seeds for the future.

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