Saturday, September 21, 2013

216B. (5.13) The Big Bang

Moffat resolves this first season finale cliffhanger in typical wibbley wobbley timey whiney fashion. The Pandorica opens to reveal Amy and it's open by young Amelia Pond. Rory the Roman Auton stands guard for centuries. River is trapped in the exploding TARDIS. And the Doctor is wearing a fez because fez's are cool. It's bonkers. The Doctor travels back in his timeline to young Amelia so she can remember him back into existence. WTF? We flash forward to to Amy and Rory's wedding day, with time rewritten, and Amy brings the Doctor back with a little help from River, who's also present. Again, bonkers. In the end, River leaves more cryptic spoilers, Amy & Rory are married, and the 3 of them taking off in the TARDIS for new adventures. Crazy. While it was fun, it didn't have the same emotional punch at any of RTD's season finales.

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