Saturday, September 21, 2013

214. (5.10) Vincent and the Doctor

Vincent and the Doctor is the best episode of the season and an all-time classic. After an abrupt erasure of Rory, the Doctor takes Amy to a VanGough exhibit at an Art Museum. Of course this leads to them going back in time to do a meet and greet with Vincent. In the best new tradition of Doctor Who, in meeting historical literary giants, we now get to meet historical art giants and what a cracker it is! The best moment ever that sets this apart from the rest is when the Doctor takes Vincent to the future to see his works in a museum and hears of his important and stature in the history of art. It's such a touching moment and you can't help but tear up. Tony Curran is magnificent as VanGough. Bill Nighy also turns in a wonderful cameo. A+

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