Saturday, September 14, 2013

202B. (4.13) Journey's End

After four seasons of incredible stories, it all comes to this point and a giant celebration of the new Doctor Who. Bringing together all the companions of the new Who, the great Sarah Jane Smith, cameos by Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures, and everyone's mothers, this so eloquently sums up the 21st century Who. The Daleks have returned to their former height of evilness and the return of Davros just tops the crown with a giant gem. The moment when Davros sees Sarah Jane and remembers that she was their at the very beginning of his creations, a chill goes down our spines, and we know this is the same program we've been watching for decades. It's a magical moment for us classic Who fans. 

Another beautiful moment is when all of the Doctor's companions are gathered around the TARDIS console and everyone is helping fly Earth home. It's unlike anything we've seen before in the history of the show short of The Five Doctors. It's such an homage to the 10th Doctor's tenure and is filled with with love and joy. But of course this story also has the most heart breaking moment in Who-story. 

Donna Noble- brave, smart, clever, hilarious, thoughtful, and full of heart. For the most un-companion like character, she becomes the BEST companion. The meta crisis gives Donna the Doctor's mind and begins to burn her brain out. To save her life, the Doctor has to wipe her memories of everything they did together and essentially reset her to the way she was before The Runaway Bride. It's so heart breaking and we weep for her. But it's the tears in Wilf's eyes, once he realizes what's happened, that makes us cry. It is just the most lovely scene. 

The Doctor departs alone and his days are numbered. The end is coming for the 10th Doctor....

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